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Auto industry booming stimulate the plastic market

The 2016-02-23

In 2015, auto industry has played an important role in the plastic market.According to sources, however, predicted in 2016 and in the future, the auto industry of plastic market expectations will be better.

Meanwhile, the European car industry development more and more strong, it will continue to stimulate used in automobile manufacturing, petrochemical product demand.Recently, the European automobile manufacturers' association, new car registration has 29 consecutive month of growth.Compared with January 2015, the monthly registrations increased by 6.2%, total 1.061.150 vehicles.Spain and Italy announced in January, an increase of two digits, while other countries like France, Germany and Britain are showing growth in different situation.

The European petrochemical products market demand to promote the rising trend.In particular, PMMA material, this kind of material is mainly used in car headlights and tail lights, easy to obtain significant benefits.PMMA market participants said the car industry caused the rising trend, mainly in the field of extrusion, particularly in other industries is not so good.

The demand of the European car industry PMMA producers in 2015 to keep a decent overall growth.A report shows that the industry's demand increased by 20% in 2015, is expected to continue in 2016.Market demand is still high, PMMA dealers said the European manufacturers are trying to stay competitive in order to maintain market share.

In addition, the European car market, plastic POM and PBT, remains strong and the largest share.A POM and PBT, dealers said, still can see the continuous growth of the automobile market situation, especially the British carmaker jaguar and nissan.It's a necessary stimulation for POM, the rich market resources too.

Some POM derivatives industry, such as the cable industry, there have been a period of time the market underperformance.Auto industry strong momentum for POM maker is very welcome, can help to balance aggregate demand.

For PBT, mainly used in the manufacture of automobile panel and rear view mirror, the European car industry demand is seen as a beacon of industry boom in 2016."At least in Europe and the United States, our auto industry is still strong demand."

Four months ago, the European market has experienced vw diesel exhaust emissions scandal.At the time, this is considered a major threat to European markets, worried that the seller will move to focus on areas outside Europe.

So far, the situation of this concern was not there.Car registrations are still growing.At present, the upward trend continues to drive the market demand, help reduce material relevant market excessive use.

(source: ICIS News)

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