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What effect do 3 d printing on manufacturing?

The 2015-09-07

The appearance of 3 d printing is worth us to focus on.The technology is affecting the manufacturing, especially in plastic injection molding industry.Recently,Stratasys Direct ManufacturingThe company unveiled a about on the impact of 3 d technology on current and future manufacturing report.This report is based on a 700 - bit is committed to advanced production technology of the company's engineers, designers, business executives, write about forty percent of the respondents from the business income of more than $fifty millionenterprise.Report shows the basic situation of 3 d printing technology, the status quo and future development.In addition, according to Stratasys, this also is currently the only can display 3 d printing professional insights into business report.

The report shows some data about 3 d printing is very interesting.Most of the respondents, reduce product delivery (76%) and complex design capacity is the maximum benefits of the advanced manufacturing technology.When it comes to the challenge that most of the respondents mentioned equipment costs (63%), and the limited material (54%), it is often in our research within the scope of the technical issues.Production costs (38%) and the post-processing requirements (39%) were also mentioned.As the report points out, two is the financial problems in four big challenge, this shows that the cost is still is an obstacle to development.Interestingly the practicability of various materials have also been mentioned, is one of the largest factors influence on AM market in the future.Material in such a third (10%), the second is the mechanical properties (16%), the first is the equipment costs (20%).

Respondents believe that in the future, more terminal products are specially designed for AM.Aerospace and automobile industry will be the first beneficiaries of this technology, and maximize the expansion of production.It is worth noting that the respondents expect 2018, mold manufacturing, production tools and model, experimental field will increase significantly.The diagram below:

84% of respondents said they want to see the further development of the metal at the same time, they of rubber materials (61%) and high temperature resistant plastic (61%), there are potential demand.In addition, the attention to 3 d printing materials for industry, aerospace and automotive industry practitioners are disproportionately interested in carbon fiber, such as medical technology industry practitioners, they want to see more further research of biological polymer.

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(Source: Plasticstoday.com)

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