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Small mold factory in the next few years will gradually disappear

The 2015-10-15

China's economic slowdown, the government is trying to help cope with economic bottlenecks.As the economy slows, ChinaMould industryAlso inevitably affected.

Many expect, in the next few years, we may be witnessing the loss of a lot of small mold factory.China mold and die industry reshuffle is imminent.

To boost the economy, in August of this year, China's central bank has adopted a series of measures of depreciation, it is bound to affect China's export, of courseMold manufacturing.In essence, this will help to mold industry better price competitive advantage.

However, many mould maker (for examplejinfeng) will import steel core parts, such as currency devaluation have influence.In spite of this, especially in car or medical equipment manufacturing this kind of high quality requirements of the industry, can guarantee the quality of the mould, it is worth it,

In today's economic situation, for the Chinese mould manufacturer, one of the most important is to improve the production efficiency, product quality and labor, not too dependent on the price advantage.The world has been changing, so far.

In order to improve the labor productivity, product quality, the mold maker needs to do a lot of improvement, and most importantly, technology innovation and talent of education high technology.In addition, the automation and the Internet of things is a manufacturing, of course, is the development trend of die and mould industry.

For the economy weak, lack of technological innovation of small mould makers, harsh market environment in the coming years will be hard to survive.Even medium (or large) manufacturers, if you don't hold the pulse of the development trend and economic, also will face the same situation.

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