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The north American free trade agreement to make auto industry benefit from Mexico

The 2016-03-09

According to the analysis, points out that all industries in Mexico, the car is the most benefit fromThe north American free trade agreementIn the industry.

From the manufacturing point of view, in the north American free trade agreement, Mexico challenge is to have the most car manufacturing capability, and the influence of the plastics industry is still in the United States.

According to a Mexican AMIA auto industry association, since 1994 to join the north American free trade agreement, Mexico car production increased from 1.1 million to more than 3.3 million, increased by 2 times.

At the same time, America's decline in total output from 12.2 million to 11.6 million.While Canada's production has remained steady in 2.3 million.

The fed conference in Texas in 2015, Mexico for light vehicle orders from the United States in 1990 from 6% to 20% in 2014.According to the agreement, the U.S. light vehicle production accounted for from 78% to 67%.

However, analysts believe that Mexico does not pose a threat to the U.S. auto industry, because the United States have trucks and large vehicles.According to theAutomotive NewsIn 2014, according to data from the U.S. light vehicle production growth 660.000 m.While Mexico growth only 280.000 m.Growth and in 2015 the us 437.062, make the total passenger car production of 11800 units, compared with the Mexican growth only 255.422 m, a total of 3.4 million vehicles.

Therefore, we still can think of, the United States still is the north American free trade area of the main country of origin, in the past ten years, as more and more assembly plant, Mexico's rapid growth of the auto industry has developed rapidly.

(source: Plastics News)

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