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Mexico: free trade attract foreign investors

The 2017-04-13

In addition to 32 investment promotion and protection agreements and all relevant intergovernmental organization membership, also signed with 45 countries a total of 10 free trade agreement, these figures make Mexico became the leader of the global free trade.It also persuaded the foreign investors.

Mexico in the first half of 2016, according to the Mexican ministry of economic affairs can attract as much as $14.385 billion of foreign direct investment.This number more than $13.75 billion by 4.6% year-on-year.Media reports, the reason of investors in the investment, in addition to the domestic market opportunities: many of the free trade agreement that this place is very interesting.

Recent these agreements have received considerable attention in addition to Europe, though it is related to the other side of the world: 12 countries trade minister signed in February the trans-pacific partnership (TPP).In addition to Mexico, Australia, brunei, Chile, Canada, the United States, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam is also a member.This agreement shall be within two years after the contract approved by the participating countries.But, if it is a signatory to GDP accounted for 85% of the total GDP of any approval of six countries, also can take effect after the deadline.

: (Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto)

The trans-pacific partnership agreement to cancel many tariffs

Trans-pacific partnership support cancel member countries a series of products (including agricultural products, cars and textiles) many of the existing tariff.Should set up an arbitration panel, in order to solve the disputes between investors and the host country.Participating countries for public interest law, especially related to health and environmental protection of legal rights are affirmed.Participate in state clear right to formulate rules for protecting non-smokers.Can introduce short-term capital transfer control to deal with the balance of payments crises.

The free trade agreement between Mexico and the European Union since 2000.According to the German federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ministry of economic affairs Mexico consistent statement, the two sides are working to update and expand the agreement.In Mexico's President enrique pea in Berlin in April Mr During the visit, Angela merkel, Germany's President announced that they promised in the agreement on the basis of modern trade relations between the European Union and Mexico."Although the oil price and domestic oil industry faces huge challenges, Mexico is not dependent on the protection and isolation.On the contrary, it recognizes that free trade, is a good partner ", she said."The German company investment increased significantly in recent years in our country, today, Germany is the highest European Union countries in the investment in Mexico.German companies created 120000 jobs in our country, "he explained.

But it seems the most important thing is that in Mexico remains and the north American free trade agreement between the United States and Canada - 80% of the country's foreign trade is between direct and its northern neighbour.The north American free trade agreement take effect on January 1, 1994, when three members, the free trade agreement was signed between the many duties were abolished, many other tariff is suspended.

(German chancellor, Angela merkel)

Direction has free trade in South America

Until 2008, non-tariff trade barriers should be eliminate as part of the north American free trade agreement.The agreement from other members of the company to open the different markets, including participating Banks, energy and transportation sectors.This also includes ruled that public contracts.Another purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, including medical patent.The north American free trade agreement also includes investment protection rules, if the company's profit forecast reduced as a result, the new law provides investment arbitration.

The free trade agreement between Mexico and Uruguay has been around since 2004 in South America.According to a report in the Mexican ministry of economic affairs, this is the country with the economic community of the mercosur members only such agreement.

(busy gulf)

Jinfeng group will build factories in Mexico

Jinfeng technology in Mexico in 2015, in the process of building work, has now entered the stage of planning and location.In the meantime, rely on Mexico's economic development policy and situation, follow the trend, efforts to develop its own industry level.In the future, on the premise of take the customer as the center, jinfeng will aim to make China into the world, to create the world first-class mold and lamp products.

(Link: http://www.maschinenmarkt.international/mexico-free-trade-attracts-foreign-investors-a-557168/)

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