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New PA66 + 60% glass fiber materials

The 2016-03-22

Lightweight car is the necessary trend for modern life, because this kind of car can help us to deal with global warming, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Car manufacturers to achieve and maintain the benefits of new car production in large quantities, need is lightweight and cheap enough new materials.Recently, Lanxess announced a highly filled PA66 material, its thermal expansion and chemical corrosion resistance is superior to other material PA6.

Lanxess new PA66 material can add up to 60% of the glass fiber, it can keep a good liquidity, resistance to chemical corrosion and at the same time also has high intensity and rigidity.

Existing PA6 class called Durethan BKV 60 EF and XF, this new material is named Durethan AKV 60 XF.Strong strength and stiffness.Lanxess plastic engineers Ralf Heinen said: "it is all plastic parts to open a new dimension of design, continuous fiber reinforced plastic/metal hybrid technology and half forming thermoplastic composite materials.More importantly, it can be a variety of applications to replace metal."

The New PA 66 compound with 60% glass fiber

13300 mpa (room temperature) material elastic coefficient of rigidity of a index - is a standard PA66 Durethan AKV 30 H2.0 twice (30% glass fiber).The new materials can help the user to produce thin wall products, instead of PA66 and 30% glass fiber, and with similar mechanical properties.

Is foreseeable, and have the same proportion of glass fiber PA6, PA66 new materials have stronger resistance to chemical corrosion, heat deflection temperature can improve the almost 40 degrees Celsius, 250 degrees Celsius (according to ISO 75-1-2 standard).In addition, the longest use temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius higher than ordinary PA66 heat stabilizer.Heinen, explained the special thermal stability characteristics can significantly help expand its scope of application.

Another advantage of the new material is its strong processing features.In addition to containing a high proportion of glass fiber, it also have consistent with PA66 material containing 35% glass fiber liquid, can be in the same temperature type plastic injection molding.Depend on the geometric structure, mould cooling and processing conditions, it can be faster demoulding, because it is rigid enough at high temperature, good thermal conductivity.

New PA66 material at the same time also can replace metal used to make engine parts.Potential applications of the system components including the cover, the transmission and engine oil pan, bracket and the inlet pipe.The chassis engine mounting of area and link rod may also use this material.

(source:Plastics Today)

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