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International automobile plastics and composite materials market investigation and prediction

The 2016-02-02

Recently,Research and MarketsAnnounced the international automotive plastics and composite materials market investigation and forecast report.Plastics and composite materials are widely used in the field of car is in line with international standards, improve fuel efficiency, in the root compression cost at the same time, the span2015to2022Years of market research is in the context of lightweight development.

The following is a part of the report information summary:

UTH(Under - the - hoodMost dynamic application) will be plastic instead of metal.High performance and high polymer characteristics will help its rapid development.

-For a specific material manufacturers, components manufacturers and car manufacturers in the field of cooperation will be more extensive.

Materials such as blended segment,ABS.,PPAnd some of the small special hybrid materials will occupy a significant market share.

Composite materials market diversity and a variety of application form, the industry is the first users of innovative materials, automobile industry has the largest amount.

Carbon fiber composite material is alternative automotive steel and aluminum plate (e.g., ceiling, doors, hood and trunk lid) is the most direct option.Next, seats and powertrain parts (cooling) is one of the biggest application part is expected.

By continual optimization and new manufacturing technology will accelerate the growth of the composite materials.The transition to advanced manufacturing technology and the rapid production of carbon fiber composite materials/Carbon fiber reinforced plastics technology would make it easier to be absorbed by the mass market.

The following is a2015to2022In the main market trends:

Common regulation is calling for reducing emissions of transportation.And more material application will help manufacturers by optimizing the selection of materials to reduce cost, meet regulatory requirements.

Car manufacturers are developing clean streamline car pressure continues to increase, including electric cars, this will be the selection and development of a variety of materials(including plastic and composite) driver.

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve fuel economy is at the same time.The world strictly control end discharge driven by policy makers find ways to improve fuel economy.Electric cars cost is high, the production of lightweight automobile is a good way to reduce fuel consumption per kilometer.

The consumption of global oil consumption (including the transportation department) in the past few years gradually rise.Automobile industry consumed fuel accounted for one-third of global oil consumption, which makes the car manufacturers more urgent to explore more materials (including plastic and composite materials) to effectively maintain low production costs and reduce the fuel consumption.

Security and safeguard the common trend is pushing for more but smaller car development of devices and sensors, in order to better able to monitor and respond to all security vulnerabilities, improve the blind spots and steering control, etc.

In order to meet the requirements of more and more small devices, multiple materials (Contain plastic and composite) is a must.

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