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"The management breakthrough" training

The 2015-07-21

Jinfeng company deeply understand the high-speed development of science and technology of manufacturing enterprises, especially the injectionMould enterpriseHad a huge impact, change the mode of production and management of the enterprise.Therefore, jinfeng group has been committed to continuous development and self-improvement.In addition to management, grass-roots staff also must know and understand the change and improve the management method can obtain the best performance and bring tangible benefits to partners.Then, on Saturday, July 18, 2015, the company as the management and the headquarters staff organized a "management breakthrough" as the theme of the training.

This training immediatelyThe annual business plan for enterprises and the overall budget"Management upgrade start assembly, is cooperation with fsa training jinfeng group one of the series of activities.The speaker for the fsa chief lecturer Feng Jin teacher, he has been for thousands of companies in China management training.

Training, von teacher put forward the basic problems facing manufacturing companies today, that is less and less the more clients in sourcing and rising production costs, more and more low profits, and influence the lack of management.So, how to solve these problems?Class, von teacher did not give a clear solution, however, he help you comb a basic concept, that is teamwork.All employees need to agree on is that the continuous improvement of work combined with management consciousness.

Von teacher a straightforward way to explain the management of common sense, such as what is management?Who is the manager?What is the performance?What is the nature of management?This is extremely basic concept, at the same time also has a great influence on the development method and business innovation, because it is the foundation of management.

Next, von teacher to introduce the basic general management mode in the world today and the benefits of these patterns.Each kind of management mode has its characteristic, but is for the effective management, or the development of enterprise innovation.In addition, von teacher to share the three executive manages view:
- management is only responsible for the performance (performance efficiency + benefits =)
- management is a kind of resource allocation
- management always for business services (management pattern matching strategy)

Management business management solutions to the three efficiency.The first is to maximize productivity means is the division of labor;The second is to maximize organizational efficiency method is a combination of professional level and hierarchical rate;Finally is to maximize personal efficiency means is createdorganizationEnvironment, and meet the demand, mining potential.

Von teacher also Shared how to keep the enthusiasm in the work, finish the work more productively.We also discussed the application and the importance of the management system of statistical indicators.

Although all day training at the weekend, all employees expressed a keen interest.The training was conducted in the relaxed and active atmosphere.After the training, there are still many employees leave to von teacher for help.

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